Colette is fast becoming one of our most photographed/videotaped physique models ever, closing in on women such as Sharon Marvel and Melissa Coates. We have done work with her in contests shape and off-season, and here it is the latter, as she was in big and strong shape in preparation for her Raye Hollit Strength Show. We did not get to tape Raye’s show, so we had our own “strength demonstration” with Colette, and she moved a few tons of iron in the gym. At 5’5” and 160 pounds, she did almost 30 chins and benched her bodyweight for the same number of reps. After several other strength/endurance lifts, she asked us if she could knock off some dips, doing nearly 50 of those. After that, she hit the shots in her bikini and three dress items and was interviewed. The 30 year old had quite a year in 2004 – winning her class or overall in three top shows (Team Universe, North Americans and Amateur Worlds) as well as winning Raye’s strength show. Colette will be getting ripped this summer for her first pro contest and we will check back with her then! Video/DVD runs 1-½ hours.
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