Debi was a former former gymnast in Australia before starting to train for bodybuilding/figure competitions around 2000. She quickly won the Australians in 2002 and had been competing as an IFBB pro for two years at the time of this photo/video session in 2004. At 5'1" 125 she carried a lot of muscle, but she was also very limber, showing off a lot of gymnastic moves such as walking on her hands, handstand pushups (not against a wall) and flips. She did reps for her gymwork (including an easy set of 15 chins), then posed bodybuilding style in a bikini and dresses, and was interviewed. The work was done in southern California at the time of one of her contests, and freelance videographer, Tony Duffy, did the taping. This was our only session with her, and she seemed to disappear from the scene soon after. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours.
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