We had one photo/video session with Tami in 1998 when she in fabulous off-season shape at 5'3" 165 pounds, with 17+" arms and thighs checking in at almost 30". Tami is a very young 40 year old and hits the shots in her bikini and dresses, lifts heavy in the gym and is interviewed. This footage runs 1 1/2 hours and to fill out this release, we have also added her Ray Martin RM-159, which also had not been available on DVD before. This title runs an hour and features Tami in contest shape, but at the same size, and she again poses in a bikini and several dresses. 352 runs 2 1/2 hours.
RM 159: Tami has been something of a co-star in a few videos with Michelle Ivers, but this time she gets her own tape. She competed briefly in the 90's, but was always more known for being in huge off-season shape. Here, though, she was in top contest shape, and immense at 5'3" and a defined 170 pounds- perhaps the largest woman weight per height ever on stage. Her entire physique shows size, density and definition, topped off by very pretty blonde looks. In this straightforward posing tape, Tami hits the shots in several outfits, showing off a most impressive physique, though she was most known for her 17" biceps. This RM footage runs 1 hour and when combined with the WPW footage on WPW-352, the WPW 352 DVD runs 2 1/4 hours.