Starting with this title, freelance videographer Tony Duffy started to do most of the taping, as Ray Martin retired in 1998. Here, Tony starts out in good form, as he met Jennifer in California, and the super-athlete had just completed four years in the Marines. In addition to having a bodybuilding-style physique, she had been a track star in the Marines and was very impressive during her obstacle course events, including rope climbing, climbing other walls, chinning, etc. In addition, she wrestled in the service and there are scenes sparring with other larger male Marines and a couple of 'real' falls- she proceeded to carry both of them (400 pounds) out of the scene at the same time. These are the only wrestling scenes in any RM tape. She never competed in bodybuilding, but there is some posing in a few outfits, and an interview. Pretty Impressive? She was only 22 years of age! DVD runs 2 1/2 hours.