We had two tapings with Nursel in 2000, and they are both on 424. A year later, we did the same thing- taped her in off-season shape (5'5" 170 pounds) then in near contest shape (155 pounds) at the time of the 2001 Nationals. We did gymwork both times- she lifted heavy when off-season (curling 135 pounds for 10 reps, etc, which is very difficult), then repwork when she was dieting. After each gym session she hit the shots in bikini and dresses, and was interviewed. She again displayed a truly impressive physique throughout- massive muscle size and shapes throughout, including some of the best arm, chest and back shots of all time, topped off by beauty of face and brown hair. She dropped from the scene soon after this, but has been back on stage in recent years, so we can possibly hope for another video with her in 2010! Video running time about 2 1/2 hours.
Check out a preview of this video on YouTube!
If you would prefer the DVD click here.