We did Super 8 work with Cory in 1982-1984, then had 'real' video sessions with her at the time of the 1984, 1985 and 1986 Ms. Olympias. This was our final work with her, and she never looked better than she did in 1986- in top contest shape throughout topped off by a very attractive blonde highlighted hairstyle. She posed in a green bikini (one photo from this scene made the cover years later on the Winter 1991 WPW print magazine) and black leotard, and was interviewed. Clare was also in the 1996 Ms. O and was in fabulous shape, posing in two swimsuits and two dresses- a complete physique including a very densely muscled upper body and a beautiful face. Clare was living in New Jersey at the time, but soon after left the sport and moved back down south where she grew up. The footage of Dutch star Leny was taken at the time of the 1986 'Superbowl' bodybuilding contest, where she also was in very hard and defined condition, posing in three outfits. Note that Cory's footage here is also on her 137 compilation video. Video running time about 2 hours.