We located a copy of this video and are now able to offer footage of this historical competitor for the first time on DVD. "Pillow" was her professional dance stage name and kept the name when she stormed on to the bodybuilding scene during 1980. Laura Combes and Lisa Elliott were still the point of comparison for muscularity then, but Pillow and Kay Baxter equaled, then surpassed them during 1982. Pillow's competitive career was brief, but she remained a fan favorite for several years before returning to the dance stage again. We had 4-5 different photo/Super 8 sessions with her from 1981-1983, and all the film footage, originally released on two Super 8 films, is included here. (Note: the footage ends suddenly, we didn't have an End Board then!). She poses in many bikinis, one-pieces and dresses, and was always in contest or near contest shape. Since silent film was used as the master, classical music is dubbed throughout. Among the outfits shown is the dress she was wearing for the cover of the September/October WPP cover). And, considering we had to go from Super 8 master, to copy, to video, then to DVD, the picture quality is pretty good. Running time is about 45 minutes.